Casey Chalem Anderson "Bold Wave" 24 x 30 oil on panel

Casey Chalem Anderson “Bold Wave” 24 x 30 oil on panel

Getting Down to the Ocean

Living right by the bay I am exceptionally aware of the water each day.  But there is nothing like a trip down to the ocean. Go, if you possibly can.  Take the time out from your busy schedule to “just be” for a moment.

I went down to the ocean spontaneously late in the day around 6pm. As expected, it was beautiful. Surfers were just arriving, dogs were running and jumping and children were dragging behind their parents, buy generic nolvadex reluctant to leave.  The waves were up but curling gently with foam exploding in an even rhythm.

Something happens at the beach inside our very substance, we shift and no matter what else is going on in our lives we just surrender to being there. It works every time!

Until next time,


This month I will donate 10% of my sales to the Peconic Land Trust. I am a founding member of Plein Air Peconic, the artist group dedicated to helping the Peconic Land Trust conserve the natural beauty of the East End of  Long Island.

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