Casey Chalem Anderson “Scallop Pond” 11 x 14 oil on linen
I’m out here on another adventure in plein air (outdoor) painting at Scallop Pond in Southampton. Here is a broad expanse of magnificent salt water marshland that is property conserved by the Peconic Land Trust. Far enough removed from the sounds of cars and trucks, it is uniquely quiet. Osprey dart overhead searching for fish where the tide oozes in. Bright light strains to peek out from the silvery gray clouds.
I focus my brushstrokes for some time on the sky, and then buy ativan no prescription needed glance down to notice that the water flooding into the grasses has created a shape that wasn’t there a few moments ago. And yet all is still. A major change occurred on my watch, silently and covertly.
Until next time,
Click here to see more tranquil blue water:
This month I will donate 10% of my sales of prints and paintings to the Peconic Bay Keeper. They do crucial work to protect and restore Long Island’s drinkable, swimmable, and fishable waters. Please go to to find out how you can help. It’s all about clean water!