Casey Chalem Anderson Salt Marsh Glow 11 x 14 oil
Salt Marsh in Full Color
Some days the seaside has this wonderful soft but clear blue quality. Pristine. Everything sparkles but the balmy air renders everything slightly hazy around the edges. I love the colors at this time. The greens are bright and vivid but gently diffused. The baby blue of the sky glows and reflects on the quiet water. The proportion of blue is in perfect balance holding its own space against that brilliant green. Being here quiets you inside yourself.
The pencil sketch from last week helped me to sink into the place, to become familiar and get my bearings. But for me there is nothing like the rich seductive quality of oil paint color to create a parallel feeling of what I feel when I am actually there. The unexplainable aspect of art, the part where words don’t quite capture what it is, takes you away.
Until next time,
This month I’m donating 10% of sales of my sea prints or paintings to Paddlers for Humanity ( My friend Sinead Fitzgibbon, you may know her from her Physical Therapy shop in Sag Harbor, has been involved with this excellent charity helping to raise funds for worthy nonprofit organizations that focus on East End youth.
For more info please click here: