Rough Surf 30 x 40 oil on canvas
When you get down to the ocean you never quite know what to expect. Will it be peaceful and flat, or rough and churned up? The sea with its changeable and unpredictable moods will confound you every time.
It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of temper the water is in. When we take it in and watch the action, we feel better.
I like to face the waves head on so that the horizon, the waves and the shore line up in horizontal bands. You might notice most of my wave paintings are composed this way. There is something brave in facing the tangible force of the wave that helps to strengthen the backbone.
Until next time,
Special Art Offer: This year I decided that each month I would take 10% of my art sales and donate it to a different charity that I know. This month that charity is “Have A Heart Community Trust” in Southampton, N.Y.
They give direct emergency relief to residents of the East End of Long Island in times of crisis.