Homes in the Sand sketch by Casey Chalem Anderson

“Homes in the Sand”      sketch by Casey Chalem Anderson 

Waterfront Homes

I just love how some waterfront houses are nestled into the land.  Questions of whether or not they are stable and secure in this era of violent storms and floods adds to their enchantment. The homes defy their state of vulnerability with a willingness to stand up to nature. The people who live there voluntarily surrender for the privilege of a front row seat to the magical changes of the light, sea and sky.

When the homes aren’t too large they integrate gracefully with the natural landscape, revealing the delicate edge where man has imposed his will on nature and it is acceptable. The tender homes assert the notion that since none of us knows what the future holds, why not live for each day with deep appreciation for the moments we can experience?

The vulnerable houses clinging to the sand are like all of us, a little brave, a little exposed and just here now.

Until next time,


This month I will again be donating 10% of my sales to the Peconic Land Trust as our highly anticipated and always well attended early October annual exhibition opens October 4, 5, 6 at Ashawagh Hall in Springs – East Hampton  (Save the date, invitations coming soon)

I am a founding member of Plein Air Peconic, the artist group dedicated to helping the Peconic Land Trust conserve the natural beauty of the East End of Long Island.


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