"Intuition Wave" oil on canvas 24" x 48" by Casey Chalem Anderson

“Intuition Wave” oil on canvas 24″ x 48″ by Casey Chalem Anderson

It was late on a rainy Sunday morning when the TV was blaring.  The sound was ruining my cozy feeling of being warm and comfortable while I drank a hot cup of coffee. I just wanted to hear the rain blasting against the window with me safe inside.

Do you have a TV in your bedroom, your living room or your kitchen? Is it a constant din in your ear that follows you throughout your day.  Some say it’s white noise and it relaxes them. For me, it sounds like interference.  Interference of my own internal thoughts. How can I know what it true, what priority needs to be attended to first, if the TV so rudely invades my thoughts?

Which do you prefer Art or TV in the bedroom?  I’m sure you can guess where my vote is cast. Even when the power is off, the TV is an insistent presence. That black reflective rectangle reads as a hole punched into the atmosphere of the entire room. I’ve seen countless exquisitely designed rooms ruined by that black crater. An artist would never allow such an incongruent area in their painting.

When you have the TV on, the entire world can enter your space. When you want selected entertainment TV is amazing, but how often does the flash of horrifying news slip in and rock your entire being? I’m compelled to want to know what is going on out there. A better idea, certainly in the bedroom, is to have Art that lifts your spirits, soothes your interior dialog and reminds you of a pleasant memory.

At least start your day on an even keel, set your intentions to be true to yourself and continue as we all must, ever onward.

This original painting is available for sale. Or if you are considering a print -this one with similar colors https://www.artfullywalls.com/works/26340/atlantic-gray-wave  or this one might be perfect https://www.artfullywalls.com/works/4088/silver-slide-burst

Let me know are you on team Art or team TV?



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