“Why ‘Pretty’ Art Matters in a Modern World

The question lingers in the air: Must art jostle us to resonate deeply?  I’ve thought about this since I was a student in the Art Practice program at the University of California, Berkeley. The university professors prodded students to dive into the underbelly of...

Ocean Super Moon

“Ocean Super Moon” 30 x 40 inches oil/canvas by Casey Chalem Anderson   Picture this: the sun is falling fast, and you race to load yourself into a four-wheel-drive truck armed with coolers, beach chairs, and dry wood. Bob Marley appropriately croons...

Strawberry Super Moon Over the Salt Marsh

Painting a canvas larger than I measure standing up is like leaving for a trip without a map. You might know what town you are heading to, but an openness for how you get there and what part of town you want to land in allows for chance and exploration. I don’t...

Nightime Flash

Many times, I rush down to the water to catch the sunset. Many times, I’m too late and it has fizzled out to a wispy dud. There are times when I’m too early and I lack the patience or the time to wait for it. Once in a while when I least expect it I get...