Breath of Salt Air “Sea of Lavender”
I was driving the less traveled road from a foggy morning at the ocean. The sun got brighter as I drove north toward Sag Harbor. I was thinking about how amazing it is to have sandy ocean beaches butting up against lush green farm fields when I came upon this sea of...
Breath of Salt Air “On A Roll” June 24, 2014
You would think that spending more time in the city would shift my artistic point of view away from the sea. Quite the opposite occurred. I crave the water more than ever. When I finally came back to the ocean it was such a lift and a relief. What a treasure...
Breath of Salt Air Outdoor Painting April 29, 2014
What a world apart from the rough and noisy city where I am at the moment. Painting by the open salt marsh is a kind of quiet meditation. Your mind opens, ready to breathe in all that you can see, hear, smell. To create a good painting you want to absorb...
Breath of Salt Air * Owning the Sea *April 14, 20014
No one can really own the sea, it belongs to all of us. We can't own it in the way we own land. We can all have access to the changing phentermine online without prescription blue-green gray colors, the frothy white of cresting waves and the unpredictable movements of...
Breath of Salt Air – Aqua Beach- March 31, 2014
I bet you can't wait to get to the beach on a day that is warm enough to sink your feet right into the sand and feel a warm breeze relax your whole body. Just imagining what that will be like helps while the weather is still so raw. Looking a painting or photo of what...
Breath of Salt Air – December Ocean – December 16, 2013
It is always a surprise when late on a dreary gray day the Sun drops below the clouds and lights up the sky. It lifts your heart. The December ocean beach is desolate and glorious. It makes me tune into a force I know is so much larger than myself. And yet I’m...
Breath of Salt Air – The Winter Sea – December 9, 2013
The Winter Sea It’s a cold rain coming down on a sage green sea. It isn’t cold enough yet to make beautiful floating snowflakes. It is just wet, the kind of chilled dampness that gets into your bones. But it is still so beautiful and surprisingly colorful. ...
Breath of Salt Air – Connoisseurs of Blue – November 18, 2013
“There are connoisseurs of blue just as there are connoisseurs of wine.” Colette Reading this quote made me realize that studying blue in all its nuances is my life-long passion. I’m definitely a blue fanatic and just might be on my way to becoming a connoisseur....
Breath of Salt Air – The Precious Salt Marsh – November 11, 2013
Salt Marsh Looking out on the plush and radiant green of the marsh grasses here on the Eastern End of Long Island, it is hard to believe that coastal areas like these were once considered suitable as waste disposal sites. It wasn’t until the Clean Water Act of 1972...
Breath of Salt Air – The Golden Gate Bridge – November 4, 2013
The Golden Gate From very high up on the Marin Headlands looking through the triangular top of the Golden Gate Bridge everything is dwarfed. The city buildings are tiny white and gray blocks, sailboats bob like microscopic toys and miniature cars on the bridge dart...
Breath of Salt Air – Edge of Twilight – October 28, 2013
Breath of Salt Air – Hunter’s Moon – October 21, 2013
Hunter’s Moon I didn’t want to miss it. As soon as I returned from the city I put my camera in the car so I wouldn’t forget. I was on the look-out for the Hunter’s Moon, the common name for the 2nd full moon of Autumn. Anticipation did not prepare me for the...
Breath of Salt Air -Light in the Fields- October 14, 2013
Light in the Fields There is something different about the fields here on the East End in the Hamptons precisely because we are near the sea. There is a unique quality of light, a quality that is created by sunlight reflecting off the ocean, the bays and the salt...
Breath of Salt Air – Ocean World – October 7, 2013
"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." Jacques Yves Cousteau Just a short note this time but...
Breath of Salt Air – Space to Live In – September 30, 2013
An isthmus of glistening white sand is made even more beautiful by its stark vulnerability. Note the determined and exquisitely fragile trees attempting to stand their ground. A strip of land clearly delineates the wide sky above and the soft blue water beneath. As...