Breath of Salt Air – Saltspray Roses – June 3, 2013
“Those that find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself.” L.W. Gilbert Now that the weather is warmer, I’ve been able to get outside to paint. When you are plein air painting the challenges can be enormous. The weather...
Your Mood and the Water
Your Mood and the Water I like to go down to the water, any water, when I’m feeling stressed. So many of us do and it always seems to help. I’m so curious about why that should be. Can those drifting tides and ripples moving speedily along the water wash your cares...
Breath of Salt Air – Listening to Water – May 20, 2013
Listening to the Water Is the reverberating crash and boom of an ocean wave soothing to you? Some people would love to live by the ocean. One friend remarked that she had “the best night’s sleep ever” by the sea. To some, that incessant thud is just annoying. Some...
Breath of Salt Air – Water to the Shore – May 13, 2013
My friend Christina Daub, poet and professor of creative writing sent me this “whole little perfect poem”. I felt this small oil painting with its big insistent boom went with the words. Click here to view see it on my site...
Breath of Salt Air – Why are we happy at the beach? – May 6, 2013
Each visitor arriving at the beach does the exact same thing. Stepping over the sand to view the wide expanse of water, they breathe in and then let out a small sigh. There it is! Undeniably magnificent, the ocean completely arrests our senses. Always slightly...
Breath of Salt Air – Great Wave -April 29, 2013
Does this wave look familiar? It is probably the most famous and extraordinary of all Japanese art, created as a woodblock print almost 200 years ago. Today we see it everywhere, printed on T-shirts, calendars, coffee mugs. This image has power. The wave is a...
Breath of Salt Air – Moon in the Daylight – April 22, 2013
Have you ever noticed the Moon out in the daytime? I always marveled at this since as a child I was under the impression that the moon comes out at night. Not entirely true. When you look at the Moon you are seeing the bright light of the Sun reflecting off it. Two...
Breath of Salt Air – Long Beach Sketch-4/16/13
Sketching in pencil by the side of the beach takes me back in time. I feel connected to the art of the past. After all, making marks on a surface is one of the most basic human expressions of communication. We have drawings in caves and on rocks dating back to...
Breath of Salt Air-Blue Vapor-April 9, 2013
Sometimes there is a haze of blue humidity hanging over the bay. It’s a soft light but also persistently bright all in the same instant. Take a moment to watch it and it appears to shift right before your eyes. This morning there was a veil of cerulean haze...
Breath of Salt Air April 2, 2013
When you get down to the ocean you never quite know what to expect. Will it be peaceful and flat, or rough and churned up? The sea with its changeable and unpredictable moods will confound you every time. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of temper the water is in....
Breath of Salt Air, March 26, 2013
Living by the water all year round in New England has its challenges. There is the flooding, the Nor'Easters, piercing wet weather and whipping winds. But after a dismal unrelenting gray day, very often a mini miracle takes place. It happened just now. The sun drops...
March 19, 2013
What is it that is so captivating about the sea? Right from that first glimpse of blue-green to the curling edge of iridescent white foam, you are transported, electrified, alive! And it doesn’t really matter what time of year it is (Although warm weather sounds good...