“Rushing Wave” by Casey Chalem Anderson 24 x 24 oil on wood
How do you remember your time spent at the ocean?
Is it walking along the shore, heading away from the crowd with a deep exhale?
Or maybe you recall taking a running start off the hot sand and a crash dive into an on coming wave?
Is it hazy and humid or bright and crisp? We all have our favorite order valium no prescription kind of days.
Let me know the way you remember the beach, which kind of days are your favorites?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
*I’m participating by showing my original paintings of Waves and Tranquil Water of the Hamptons
“Home is Where the Heart Is” Designer Showcase to benefit the American Heart Association
April 17 th-May 31 st, 2015
For info: www.americanheartshowhouse.com or contact me directly