by LDUS2530 | Aug 12, 2020 | Press
Source: Dan’s Papers | August 12, 2020 Dan’s Papers regular Casey Chalem Anderson talks about her process, bringing her work to life and being inspired by the beach. What was the inspiration for this piece? The inspiration for this painting is an expression of...
by LDUS2530 | Jun 3, 2020 | Press
Source: Dan’s Papers | June 3, 2020 “More than ever, I need the escape of the sea. I need the stability of standing on the shore and looking out.” What is a painter who draws endless inspiration from Hamptons shores to do when told to shelter in...
by LDUS2530 | Feb 13, 2020 | Press
Source: Hamptons Real Estate Showcase | April 4, 2019 Casey Chalem Anderson Captures The East End’s Soul For those who visit or live on the East End, there is a moment when you go to the beach and stop. Stop worrying about text messages, Instagram likes, booking...
by LDUS2530 | Sep 7, 2019 | Press
Source: Pecha Kucha Nights Hamptons | October 4, 2019 Painter Casey Chalem Anderson was featured at Pecha Kucha Hamptons NY in 2019 Painter Casey Chalem Anderson was featured at Pecha Kucha Hamptons NY in 2019. She paints the coastal setting of the Hamptons where the...
by LDUS2530 | Jun 12, 2019 | Press
Source: Beach | June 12, 2019 Meet four painters making art inspired by the Hamptons See the full...
by LDUS2530 | Jul 5, 2017 | Press
Source: HAMPTONS ART HUB | July 5, 2017 Three formidable realist painters—two of them well-known modern artists and a third who’s currently active in the East End art community—bring the great outdoors into the inviting llle Arts gallery space in a summer show...