"Ocean Super Moon" 30 x 40 inches oil/canvas

“Ocean Super Moon” 30 x 40 inches oil/canvas by Casey Chalem Anderson


Picture this: the sun is falling fast, and you race to load yourself into a four-wheel-drive truck armed with coolers, beach chairs, and dry wood. Bob Marley appropriately croons “Stir It Up” through the powerful, portable Bose speaker, and you race to the ocean to catch the full moon rising.  We arrive, and there is no beach to pull onto. The waves are fiercely crashing, sending the foam of their haphazard, forceful water up to the dunes.

The truck stayed back, but I cautiously jumped out. It was intensely glorious, wild, whipped up, and unpredictable. A jolt of orange-yellow light appeared in the sky, and there it was, suspended in the twilight, the August Super Moon. It’s indelible in my memory and now a painting just completed with all the wonder of that moment.

*(this moon is known as the “Sturgeon Moon”- the name originated by Native American tribes to designate the August seasonal change)

I’m considering making this painting into an archival print exclusive for my followers. If you love a good full moon like I do, you might be interested. Please let me know.

Until next time,





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