by casey | Jun 27, 2023 | Breath of Salt Air
‘Save the Date” to see my show of seascape paintings displayed in the newly renovated historic seaside hotel,The Chequit Inn. The exhibition is in lounge/library overflowing with art books all about the East End and overlooks Dering Harbor. All the...
by casey | Jun 6, 2023 | Breath of Salt Air
I’ve been seriously pondering this whole beach thing since I moved to the Hamptons 30 years ago. At first, I only thought about it for my own sake. Trying to make sense of why I crave looking at the water and why my car just seems to drive itself down to the...
by casey | May 16, 2023 | Breath of Salt Air
I was anxious. Leading up to the launch day, I kept asking, well, what do I wear? Seriously, I had to know how to dress for practical reasons but also so I could picture myself out on the water in a kayak. I’ve made a lifetime career out of painting the water with my...
by casey | May 2, 2023 | Breath of Salt Air
My boyfriend, the surfer, has taught me a lot about the ocean. He has big plans to get me on a surfboard when the weather warms up, and I can wiggle into the wetsuit he got me last Christmas. Have you ever heard someone say, “Any day you can ride a wave before 8:00 am...
by casey | Apr 11, 2023 | Breath of Salt Air
The first time I saw this glorious flower field was one of those perfect warm and sunny days. I was taking a drive down Town Line Road, and from the corner of my eye, I saw a burst of color. Immediately I made a 180 turn and parked. The sweet and earthy scent of...
by casey | Mar 29, 2023 | Breath of Salt Air, Uncategorized
I never liked basketball. I spent countless hours in the schoolyard watching the guys play basketball. I resented it; why wasn’t I doing something I wanted to do? Instead, all the girls waited around in our bell-bottom jeans and hugapoo shirts. I was...