Stopped in my Tracks

I couldn’t wait a moment longer. When the newly finished wood floors were dry, I removed my shoes at the door and entered in socks only. In a glance, I devoured the entire living room; the place looked fantastic. It was spare, open, soft, and gentle, exactly how...

“Questioning the Sky”

  I was losing energy toward the end of the day. A long one that dragged on. The entire day was drab. All along the road, the tree branches were a colorless taupe. The grass was squeezed out of any possibility of green; it looked like straw. The sky remained...

When the Sky Floats

  Living in the Hamptons after the official season has enormous benefits. Not only is the traffic thinner, but the skies put on a show of intense color not seen in the summer months. One of the many reasons I love Towd Point so much is the opportunity to witness...

Life Is Better At the Beach

Now that the winds have blown in the seasonably cool air, a trip to the ocean sounds positively chilling. But we still need it. We need the ocean to prove to ourselves that we can own the world of beauty. We need the ocean to experience the vast power that it holds in...

You Leave Me Breathless

This is that moment right before we lose the light that allows us to see color. The day is turning into night but not before a spectacular show where the sky lights up and reflects all its glory into the water. There’s a thin and fragile dark strip of land...

Back to the Easel

“Spectacular Towd Point ” Oil on canvas 24″ x 36″ by Casey Chalem Anderson It feels so good to be back painting in my studio where it’s cool and contained I can paint at a sustained pace. When I saw this sunset I was stunned. My spirit...