Cosmos Field Sagaponack 12 x 12 inches oil/wood panel

Cosmos Field Sagaponack 12 x 12 inches oil/wood panel by Casey Chalem Anderson

I’m awestruck every time I come across an unexpected flower field. This cosmos field was at the Sagaponack Farm Distillery, Sagaponack, NY. where they actually distill vodka made from local potatoes. They have a bright and airy tasting room to check out if you go to visit. I was there to paint this gorgeous pink flower field but discovered the vodka over ice was delicious.

A flower field stretches out, sweeps across and fills your peripheral vision to the brim. I view it like a bird would, skimming and racing across the green grasses then allowing the pops of pink, rose and fuchsia grab my attention.

A flower’s life is fleeting. There is a real urgency to drink in the beauty before it’s gone forever. Flowers remind us that every moment we have is all you’ll ever have.  All you can do is preserve the land and give the flowers space to return. Here is abundance all for no apparent purpose and only for a flash.



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